Batch Specific UI

When an experiment of type Batch is run, a dedicated UI is displayed, depending on the parameters to explore and of the exploration methods.

Table of contents

Information bar

In batch mode, the top information bar displays 3 distinct information (instead of only the cycle number in the GUI experiment):


Batch UI

The parameters view is also a bit different in the case of a Batch UI. The following interface is generated given the following model part:

experiment Batch type: batch repeat: 2 keep_seed: true until: (food_gathered = food_placed) or (time > 400) {
   parameter 'Size of the grid:' var: gridsize init: 75 unit: 'width and height';
   parameter 'Number:' var: ants_number init: 200 unit: 'ants';
   parameter 'Evaporation:' var: evaporation_rate among: [0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0] unit: 'rate every cycle (1.0 means 100%)';
   parameter 'Diffusion:' var: diffusion_rate min: 0.1 max: 1.0 unit: 'rate every cycle (1.0 means 100%)' step: 0.3;

   method exhaustive maximize: food_gathered;


The interface summarizes all model parameters and the parameters given to the exploration method: