3. Prey Agent Behavior

This third step Illustrates how to define the behaviors of prey agents and the concept of spatial topology.


Model Definition


To define a behavior for the prey agents we add them three new parameters:

As we consider these parameters to be global to all prey, we define them in the global section as follows:

   float prey_max_energy <- 1.0;
   float prey_max_transfer <- 0.1;
   float prey_energy_consum <- 0.05;

Yet we may allow the user to change it from an experiment to another through the user interface. To do so we add the following definition of parameters within the experiment section :

   parameter "Prey max energy: " var: prey_max_energy category: "Prey" ;
   parameter "Prey max transfer: " var: prey_max_transfer  category: "Prey" ;
   parameter "Prey energy consumption: " var: prey_energy_consum  category: "Prey" ;

vegetation_cell grid

We add a new variable for the vegetation_cell grid called neighbours, that contains for each vegetation cell the list of the neighbor vegetation cells (distance of 2 - Von Neumann neighborhood). We will use these neighbors list for the movement of the prey.

  grid vegetation_cell width: 50 height: 50 neighbours: 4 {
      list<vegetation_cell> neighbours <- self neighbours_at 2;

Note that the result of the operator neighbours_at dist depends on the type of topology of the agent applying this operator:

Also note the use of the self pseudo variable which is a reference to the agent currently executing the statement

Prey agents

We copy the values of the three global parameters into the prey species in order for it to be available for each agent and possibly modified locally.

species prey {
   float max_energy <- prey_max_energy ;
   float max_transfer <- prey_max_transfer ;
   float energy_consum <- prey_energy_consum ;

The energy used by each prey at each timestep is randomly computed initially (within ]0;max_energy]).

species prey {
   float energy <- (rnd(1000) / 1000) * max_energy  update: energy - energy_consum max: max_energy ;

In order to define the movement behaviour of a prey we will add a reflex. A reflex is a block of statements (that can be defined in global or any species) that will be automatically executed at each simulation step if its condition is true, it is defined as follows:

   reflex reflex_name when: condition {...}

The when facet is optional: when it is omitted, the reflex is activated at each time step. Note that if several reflexes are defined for a species, the reflexes will be activated following their definition order.

We define a first reflex called basic_move that allows the prey agents to choose (randomly) a new vegetation_cell in the neighborhood of my_cell and to move to this cell.

species prey {
   reflex basic_move { 
       myCell <- one_of (myCell.neighbours) ;
       location <- myCell.location ;

We define a second reflex called eat that will only be activated when there is food in my_cell and that will allows the prey agents to eat food and gain energy. In order to store the energy gain by the eating (that is equals to the minimum between the max_transfer value and the quantity of food available in myCell), we define a local variable called energy_transfer. A local variable is a variable that will only exist within this block: once it has been executed, the variable is forgotten. To define it, we have to use the following statement:

var_type var_name <- value; 

Thus, the reflex eat is defined by:

species prey {
   reflex eat when: > 0 { 
      float energy_transfer <- min([max_transfer,]) ; <- - energy_transfer ;
      energy <- energy + energy_transfer ;

We define a third reflex for the prey agent: when the agent has no more energy, it dies (application of the built-in die action):

species prey {
   reflex die when: energy <= 0 {
      do die ;

Note that an action is a capability available to the agents of a species (what they can do). It is a block of statements that can be used and reused whenever needed. Some actions, called primitives, are directly coded in Java: for instance, the die action defined for all the agents.

There are two ways to call an action: using a statement or as part of an expression

Complete Model

model prey_predator

global {
	int nb_preys_init <- 200;
	float prey_max_energy <- 1.0;
	float prey_max_transfer <- 0.1;
	float prey_energy_consum <- 0.05;
	init {
		create prey number: nb_preys_init ;

species prey {
	float size <- 1.0 ;
	rgb color <- #blue;
	float max_energy <- prey_max_energy ;
	float max_transfer <- prey_max_transfer ;
	float energy_consum <- prey_energy_consum ;
	vegetation_cell myCell <- one_of (vegetation_cell) ; 
	float energy <- (rnd(1000) / 1000) * max_energy  update: energy - energy_consum max: max_energy ;
	init { 
		location <- myCell.location;
	reflex basic_move { 
		myCell <- one_of (myCell.neighbours) ;
		location <- myCell.location ;
	reflex eat when: > 0 { 
		float energy_transfer <- min([max_transfer,]) ; <- - energy_transfer ;
		energy <- energy + energy_transfer ;
	reflex die when: energy <= 0 {
		do die ;

	aspect base {
		draw circle(size) color: color ;

grid vegetation_cell width: 50 height: 50 neighbours: 4 {
	float maxFood <- 1.0 ;
	float foodProd <- (rnd(1000) / 1000) * 0.01 ;
	float food <- (rnd(1000) / 1000) max: maxFood update: food + foodProd ;
	rgb color <- rgb(int(255 * (1 - food)), 255, int(255 * (1 - food))) update: rgb(int(255 * (1 - food)), 255, int(255 *(1 - food))) ;
	list<vegetation_cell> neighbours  <- (self neighbours_at 2);

experiment prey_predator type: gui {
	parameter "Initial number of preys: " var: nb_preys_init min: 1 max: 1000 category: "Prey" ;
	parameter "Prey max energy: " var: prey_max_energy category: "Prey" ;
	parameter "Prey max transfer: " var: prey_max_transfer  category: "Prey" ;
	parameter "Prey energy consumption: " var: prey_energy_consum  category: "Prey" ;
	output {
		display main_display {
			grid vegetation_cell lines: #black ;
			species prey aspect: base ;